JavaScript Framework : Future of web development

As a web developer, I have noticed that from fast some years JavaScript Frameworks become more popular among the developers.
Let’s find out why they become more and more popular now a days.In this blog we will discuss about their uses, types and their advantages.


A JavaScript Framework is an application framework written in JavaScript. JS framework is totally different form JS library as it’s defined the complete app design. JavaScript Frameworks provide us a skeleton like car with body and we need to work on it to make it functional according to the requirement.

Why to use

Although as a developer I would not recommend to use a framework over plain JavaScript.Because you can’t beat Vanilla JS code in terms of performance with respect to any other framework. But remember one thing that these things can’t be compromised with time delivery of your product and hence we needed a framework. To use Vanilla JS you need to have crisp and clear understanding of all the concepts of Vanilla JS. Having experienced with all the good/bad part of JS only you can write a concise and deliverable code otherwise an inexperienced developer will turn out to deliver a buggy and unmaintained code over the time. So in this case using a framework would certainly help you to achieve the desired app in less time. Google, Facebook and other big giants have created these framework with lots of effort and research so yes we can use it any framework of our choice.


  1. React.js
  2. Angular.js
  3. Vue.js
  4. Ember.js
  5. Meteor.js

So, if you are a new start in the Javascript and want to deep dive with any of the framework or you have picked randomly any and want to know the best one to learn, then yes you are at the right place. Although choosing a right framework of for your app totally depends on the need and architecture of your app, and completely a topic of debate, however we can provide you the pros and cons of the framework and let you decide.

React JS

More a JS library than framework, React JS is opens sourced by Facebook in 2013. In early years React was not so popular due to it’s difficult learning curve and easy adoption of AngularJS(1) but later on with the increasing issues of two way binding and digest cycle developers started to looking for other possible options and React has come out a viable choice for them

Pros of React Js
  1. Uses virtual DOM, hence DOM re rendering and unnecessary manipulation is saved
  2. With the use of Babel Transpiler, it is easy to use ES6 and ES7 code with React
  3. Absolutely light-weighted
  4. JSX rather than HTML- Since react uses everything in JS, you could create your own views and components and can leverage the power of full programming languages
  5. While creating a large application state management is a necessary part of your app while communicating among different pages, with the help of state management solutions like redux, flux it easy to integrate with React
  6. Fast runtime performance using component lifecycle methods
Cons of React Js
  1. Difficult learning curve
  2. Since HTML and css both are in JSX, so need a developer rather than designed for simple page design of HTMl code

Vue JS

Earlier started in 2013 Vue JS was very much similar to AngularJS but later on with the shortcomings in Angular 1 Vue community started optimizing the Vue code and finally they come up with Vue2.0 in 2016 pulling all best things from Ember, React and Angular, hence proved to be faster than any other framework.

Pros of Vue Js
  1. Adaptability: Similarity in terms of design and architecture with both Angular and React it is easy to adapt a developer coming from any framework
  2. With the use of Babel Transpiler, it is easy to use ES6 and ES7 code with React
  3. Optimization Efforts: Performance of Vue apps is comparable to React since the developers of Vue has maintained it.
  4. JSX rather than HTML- Since react uses everything in JS, you could create your own views and components and can leverage the power of full programming languages
  5. State management cn be done using Redux or step further Vuex
  6. Light weighted and cross platform support
  7. No need of any webpack or any other compiler for a small applications
Cons of Vue Js
  1. Lack of resources: Compared to React and Angular the community network of Vue JS is small, hence no knowledge share
  2. Due to lack of community support it is still in it’s beginning phase of development


Founded in 2009, Angular reamined on of the best choice for developers due to it’s easy adaptability and learning curve but later on Google release further versions of Angularjs and now with version 2 and higher it is comparable to other framework as well

  1. GLobal community support: Whatever you say the community support of Angularjs is still the largest compared to React or Vue JS
  2. Full-fledged framework where you would have ready made tools for your needs.
  3. Two way data binding helps in data sync in view and model
  4. Typescript is an enhanced set of JS which can overcome all the shortcomings of JS like static type checking, immutability etc.
  5. Now with Angular 2 and higher the architecture is purely component based
Cons of Angular Js
  1. The complex syntax of Typescript has made less adaptable this language towards developers
  2. Frequent releases of Angular Versions it has difficult for developers and companies to migrate their code for the newer versions


Pros of Ember Js
  1. Template code is easy to write with Handlebars
  2. Since it is framework you need to focus on creating your app not on trivial things
Cons of Ember Js
  1. You need to be familiar with their conventions, hence required a lot of effort to learn them
  2. Less flexible compared to other framework
  3. Performance wise we could have better options like React and VueJS


A rapid software development option with both backend and front end using Javascript Meteor is a nice choice for a full stack developer

Pros of Meteor Js
  1. Makes web development easier, flexible and requires less code
  2. Development with just one language, no need for MERN or MEAN stack
  3. Real time applications i.e. all of the application’s layer from database to template update automatically, so no need of page refresh.
  4. Smart packages like user accounts, bootstrap stylus.
  5. Make your web app an Android and Ios app with meteor only