Stripe payment gateway integration in php
Stripe is one of the best payment gateways for online transactions. It allows credits cards directly through websites to your stripe account.
Create a file name config.php and write some configuration
<?php require_once('your stripe library path/stripe.php'); define("STRIPE_MODE", "test"); //live define('STRIPE_SECRET_KEY', "Your test stripe secret key"); define('STRIPE_PUBLISH_KEY', "Your test stripe publish key"); if(STRIPE_MODE == "live") { define('STRIPE_SECRET_KEY', "Your live stripe secret key"); define('STRIPE_PUBLISH_KEY', "Your live stripe publish key"); } Stripe::setApiKey(STRIPE_SECRET_KEY); ?>
Create a new file name form.php and write following code
<?php require_once('config.php'); ?> <?php $aAmount = your amount*100; // you need to multiple your usd amount to 100 for stripe api if(isset($_POST['stripeToken']) && isset($_POST['stripeEmail'])) { $aToken = $_POST['stripeToken']; $aEmail = $_POST['stripeEmail']; $aCustomer = Stripe_Customer::create(array( 'email' => $aEmail, 'source' => $aToken )); $aCharge = Stripe_Charge::create(array( 'customer' => $aCustomer->id, 'amount' => $aAmount, 'currency' => 'usd' )); // Add your code for further development } ?> <form action="" method="post"> <script src="" class="stripe-button" data-key="stripe publish key" data-description="Add your payment description" data-amount="amount*100" data-locale="auto"></script> </form>