Install Laravel Latest Version with Composer

Laravel is open source and most popular PHP frameworks for rapid web applications development. laravel provides great features like authentication techniques , Artisan , Routing , Eloquent ORM, Query Builder , Blade Templating , Security and many other features thats why its the most popular PHP framework among developers.

In this tutorial we will learn How to install Laravel latest version with composer. so keep follow the below steps .


We need composer to install laravel. If you have already installed composer then skip this step and if you want to install composer then click here and follow steps.

After the composer installation, run the following command to install laravel installer.

composer global require laravel/installer

after this command to scaffold a new application run the following command

laravel new myproject

Alternatively you can also create a new project using create-project command. to create a new application through create-project , run the following command :-

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel myproject

Our new laravel project is created and to start the server, run the following command

php artisan serve

this command will start server at You can navigate to or if you installed laravel into xampp then you can also navigate to http://localhost/YourProjectName/myproject/public :).