How to Increase Domain Authority (DA) & Page Authority (PA) Of your website?

What is Domain Authority (DA)?

A measure created by Moz called “Domain Authority” shows what a good website is likely to do in search engine rankings. It depends on a number of variables, such as the strength and quantity of backlinks, the age of the domain, and the overall SEO health of the website. A high domain authority is essential for enhancing your website’s exposure and search engine position.

What is Page Authority (PA)?

Page Authority (PA) is a metric developed by Moz that measures the likelihood of a specific webpage ranking well in search engine results. It is a score on a scale from 0 to 100, with higher scores indicating a greater potential for a page to rank highly. Page Authority is similar to Domain Authority (DA), but it focuses on individual webpages rather than entire domains.

How to calculate Domain Authority ?

The inbound links connecting to your domain, also known as backlinks, are the most important aspect that Moz takes into account when calculating your domain authority (DA).

This data is gathered by Moz from its continuously updated Link Explorer index. Higher DA ratings are more likely to be found on websites with more backlinks and distinctive referring domains.

What is a good domain authority score?

Domain authority is determined by a variety of variables. However, to give you an idea, popular websites with high DAs (between 95 and 100) include Google, Apple, and Microsoft.

On the other hand, if your website is young, your DA will likely be low (between 10 and 20 at most).

Additionally, you should be aware that if your site’s DA is between 20 and 30, rather than between 70 and 80, it will be simpler to improve.

Here’s a look at what each domain authority score means:

  • Below 30 is poor

  • 30 to 40 is below average

  • 40 to 50 is average

  • 50 to 60 is good

  • 60 to 70 is very good

  • Above 80 is excellent


Steps to boost your website domain authority :-

1. Create High-Quality Content: Producing unique, valuable, and relevant content is the foundation of increasing domain authority. Regularly update your website with informative articles, guides, and resources that engage your target audience.

2. On-Page SEO Optimization: Ensure your on-page SEO is on point. This includes optimizing titles, meta descriptions, header tags, and image alt tags with relevant keywords. Also, focus on improving the site’s overall structure and usability.

3. Build Quality Backlinks: Acquire high-quality, authoritative backlinks from reputable websites in your industry. Quality matters more than quantity when it comes to backlinks. Guest posting, outreach, and content promotion can help you earn these backlinks.

4. Internal Linking: Use internal links to connect your website’s content. This helps search engines understand your site’s structure and hierarchy while improving user navigation.

5. Optimize Page Loading Speed: A fast-loading website not only enhances user experience but also influences your domain authority positively. Use tools to analyze and improve your site’s loading speed.

6. Mobile-Friendly Design: Ensure your website is mobile-responsive as Google gives preference to mobile-friendly sites. This is essential for user experience and SEO rankings.

7. Remove Toxic Backlinks: Regularly review your backlink profile and disavow or remove any toxic or low-quality backlinks that may harm your domain authority.

8. Social Media Engagement: Active engagement on social media can indirectly boost domain authority. Share your content, interact with your audience, and promote your website on various social platforms.

9. Fix Broken Links: Regularly check and fix any broken links on your website. This enhances the user experience and helps maintain a healthy site structure.

10. Monitor and Improve User Experience: Offer a user-friendly website layout and navigation. This includes clear call-to-action buttons, a user-friendly menu, and easy-to-read content.

11. Consistency and Patience: Increasing domain authority takes time. Be patient and consistent with your efforts. Regularly monitor your progress and adjust your strategies as needed.

Remember, increasing domain authority is an ongoing process, and it may not happen overnight. By consistently following these steps and focusing on creating a valuable and user-friendly website, you can gradually improve your site’s domain authority and ultimately enhance your online presence.