Benefits and Significance of Using Pivot Tables for Many-to-Many Relationships in Database Design
Using a pivot table for many-to-many relationships in a database is a standard and recommended approach, especially in frameworks like Laravel
Using a pivot table for many-to-many relationships in a database is a standard and recommended approach, especially in frameworks like Laravel
To solve this problem we have to install DOM extension. we can do this by using following commands
Laravel is an open source content management system. It uses composer to manage all kind of dependencies. So the first step to install it to check that composer is properly installed on our machine.There are 2 ways to install laravel using composer
laravel is free open source php is a very powerful tool to create large and robust web applications. It follows the MVC structure
Laravel support inbuilt helper functionality that we can use in our web application. Please follow the following easy steps to create your own custom helper. First create a folder Helpers in your app directory Now create a file CustomHelper.php in this helpers folder Open newly created file and write the following code Open config/app.php and […]
By using following steps we can remove public from url Rename server.php to index.php at laravel root folder Copy .htaccess file from public folder to root folder and update code mentioned below
Laravel is open source and most popular PHP frameworks for rapid web applications development. laravel provides great features like authentication techniques , Artisan , Routing , Eloquent ORM, Query Builder , Blade Templating , Security and many other features thats why its the most popular PHP framework among developers. In this tutorial we will learn […]