How to send notification on mobile devices using firebase in php
Firebase is a platform developed by google for creating web and mobile app. We can send push notification to mobiles devices using firebase.
Firebase is a platform developed by google for creating web and mobile app. We can send push notification to mobiles devices using firebase.
Google sheets are very useful to manage our data with colorful charts and graphs. It comes up with inbuilt formulas those help to manage sheets and save our lot’s of time.The most important thing is we can use it anywhere, anytime with our laptop or mobile.
To check image exists on remote url we have to get image size.
Htaccess(.htaccess) file is configuration file on server. It used to alter configuration of Apache server. Flags are added after the rule to instruct server how to execute the rule.
Offscreen images are those images that appear when that part of the web page is visible to user.
post_max_size is the maximum post limit or size of the entire body of the request, which could include multiple files. It sets max size of post data allowed.
Google autoplay polices has been changed that’s why since April 2018 it’s not working
Laravel is an open source content management system. It uses composer to manage all kind of dependencies. So the first step to install it to check that composer is properly installed on our machine.There are 2 ways to install laravel using composer